About Me

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Hi I am Sandra. I live in Kennewick Washington. I now weight what I weighed at full term (ouch. I let it go for a while I figured I would lose it "later". I have been trying to lose it and nothing has worked. I read the weightloss cure book by Kevin Turdeau. It claims to cure your Hypthalumas and end the weigh cycle. I found a local clinic who are very professinal and very supporting. I am now assiciated with them and doing some sales and marketing for them. Through them I have been able to speak with a doctor who PRESCRIBED the HCG to me. They consulted me and gave me all the needed support products. I am very excited to say that the Doctor told me I should be able to lose all my abnormal weight within 1.5 month YAY! Thats is a whopping 30 pounds! I will be documenting my progress on this blogg for all the world to see. I hope I will be able to help others who are in my same situation or similar. The HCG Diet is health contious and have helped many people get back into shape. You lose an average of 1 pound per day. To learn more about it go to my website at; http://tinyurl.com/clacne

Friday, February 27, 2009

DAY 10 on my HCG DIET!

I have now lost 6 pounds total! I feel great, have lots of energy and I am starting to get a skip in my walk lol! I still have alot more to lose but it is amazing what losing just 6 pounds will do to you. I am starting to look younger too, yay! I am not hungry at all. Today I had my shake for breakfast ( shake calories don't count towards the 500 cal. per day) with the MCT OIL, ELECTROLYTES and vitamins then of to work at the HCG Diet Center I went. I was not hungry at all, had lots of energy and felt wonderful! At 3pm I came home and ate (because I fugured I should lol) a small salad with chicken, lettuce, MCT OIL, pepper, salt, and lemon ( it actually tastes good). The doctor said I should drink more water so I am. I don't care IF I eat or WHAT I eat all I want is to wear my cute jeans again. You have to set your goals and stick to them no matter what. If you worry about what you can or cannot eat you distract yourself away from your goal. Stay focused and you will get to the weight you deserve to be at. If you want to be my weightloss buddy just email me, I will be glad to help!


Day 9 on the HCG DIET!

I have now lost 5 pounds! I had expected to lose more by now but I am only 4 days behind my goal. I feel good not hungry at all. It is funny how the HCG injections do not bother me at all anymore, it's like whatever. 3 weeks and 5 days left to reach my weightloss goal of 35 pounds, YAY! I can't wait to put my jeans on again. Since I refused to buy bigger jeans I have none to wear now lol!
Please comment on your progress or post any questions. If you are planning on getting on the HCG diet I do suggest you go thru a diet center. Good luck on all your weightloss goals and thanks for stopping by!


Day 3 on the HCG DIET!

( This was transfered from my old blog )

Ok, I am now on day 3 of my HCG Diet protocol. Day one I took the HCG and loaded up on food. By "loading" I mean eat more than I even want to. Day two was the same. Day 3 ( which is today) is when my diet changes drastically. I need to eat no more than 500 calories a day. Yes, only 500 lol! I felt hungry last night and this morning, I am not supposed to be hungry since my body is supposed to be burning 2,500 calories of abnormal fat per day. I tested to see if I was in ketosis and I am so I calmed down :) I drank my yummy shake and a later a green salad. I am not so hungry anymore. I think todays dose of HCG did the trick because really, I did not eat much at all. I am so excited to be on this diet! I will be adding pictures as soon as I get the courage to do so lol! Please comment and show me your support, that will really motivate me to post more. Thankyou so much for checking my blog out!!!
